Focus: Gross Motor Skills and Teamwork
Come on, dear friends, and join me in the summer in the sun.
Off to the Olympics we go to have some fun!
Here comes the torch. It’s time to begin.
We are the Olympians proudly parading in!
Rhythmic Gymnastics is the first event today.
Our colorful ribbons will make a beautiful display.
Choose any color – – yellow, purple, green or red.
Circle them down low or up high above your head.
Then while we’re in the gym, let’s all hop upon the beam.
Twirl and balance. Jump and leap. We’re a medal winning team!
Next, we’ll ride our bicycles, by ourselves at first.
We can pedal forwards fast and then we’ll try reversed!
We will pedal by ourselves and when that pedaling is through
We will pedal with a friend on a bicycle built for TWO!
In the water, we will swim; we will surf; and we will row.
If you want to win your race, you must move FAST and not too slow.
Then we’ll put some sports together; triathletes we’ll become.
We will cycle, swim, and run while their special songs we hum.
And at the end of the Olympics, together we will stand.
Holding hands and holding hearts of our friends from every land.
As we sing our country’s anthem, medals hanging from our necks,
The crowds are cheering for us in the bleachers, on the decks.
Then we dance in celebration with our friends, both new and old.
It’s the friendships, not the medals, that are the most important gold.